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When a writer expects a reader to fill in the gaps, he or she is expecting the reader to compress.

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The writer is expecting the reader to participate.

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Q: When a writer expects a reader to fill in the gaps he or she is expecting the reader to?
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When a writer expects the reader to fill in gaps he or she is expecting the reader to?

When a writer expects the reader to fill in the gaps, he or she is expecting the reader to compress.

When a writer expects a reader to fill in the gaps he or she is expecting the reader to .?

By using the character's actions, interactions, and words to learn more about him or her

A short story writer must leave out unnecessary details and let the reader fill in the gaps what is this called?


If a writer of prose knows enough of what he is writing about he may omit things that he knows and the reader if the writer is writing truly enough?

The writer can omit certain details if they have a strong understanding of the subject, allowing the reader to fill in the gaps with their own imagination. This can create a more engaging and immersive reading experience by encouraging active participation from the reader. By writing authentically, the writer can establish trust with the reader and evoke a sense of realism in the narrative.

A short story writer must leave out unnecessary details and let the reader fill in the gaps. What is this called?

This is called "show, don't tell" in writing. It involves highlighting significant details that drive the plot or character development, allowing readers to engage and interpret the story for themselves. By leaving out unnecessary details, the writer can create a more immersive and thought-provoking experience for the reader.

Which term is used for leaving out unnecessary details and letting the reader fill in the gaps?

Compression is the term used for leaving out unnecessary details and letting the reader fill in the gaps.

What does trust the reader mean in short stories?

"Trust the reader" in short stories means allowing the reader to interpret and infer meanings, rather than spelling everything out explicitly. It involves respecting the reader's intelligence and understanding that they can fill in details and make connections on their own. This creates a more engaging and interactive reading experience.

What are books that provide blank spaces to be filled in by the reader - called?

Books that provide blank spaces to be filled in by the reader are often referred to as "fill-in-the-blank" books or activity books. They are designed to engage the reader by encouraging participation and creativity.

What does compression mean in literature?

Leaving out unnecessary details and letting the reader fill in the gaps Apex

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Because that's what the writer, Jefferson, or Madison, or someone, had inserted to fill in the flaws in the constitution... we added a women sufferage to fix that mistake.

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The PureEdge Viewer is used to view and fill out government applications and documents. It can also be used as a PDF reader. A user would need Windows 98 or higher to install this program.

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To touch (the body) lightly so as to cause laughter or twitching movements.To tease or excite pleasurably; titillate: suspense that tickles the reader's curiosity.To fill with mirth or pleasure; delight