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I'm guessing you are analyzing an experiment where you are determining the molecular mass of an organic liquid. You heated the flask and the liquid evaporated filling the flask, but escaping through a small hole in the covering.

1. Gases always fill the container. So, if the liquid evaporated and formed a gas (vapor), it filled the flask,

2. The pressure on the outside the flask is air pressure. since the vapor isn't pushing off the cover, the pressure is not higher than the air pressure. But since the extra escaped, it cannot be less than the air pressure. Therefore, it is the same.

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4d ago

When all the liquid has evaporated in the Florence flask, the gaseous molecules from the liquid fill the entire volume of the flask, creating pressure due to their collisions with the walls of the flask. Since the gaseous molecules are now evenly distributed throughout the flask, they collectively exert a pressure equal to the atmospheric pressure.

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Q: When all the liquid has evaporated the vapor totally fills the florence flask and exerts a pressure equal to the atmospheric pressure why?
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What kind of liquid pressure is exerted at equilibrium and is dependent on temperature only?

Vapor pressure is the type of liquid pressure exerted at equilibrium that is dependent on temperature only. As temperature increases, the vapor pressure of a liquid also increases.

1 lbs pressure is how much psi?

The acronym PSI stands for "Pounds per Square Inch," and is the common unit of measurement for pressure. It can be understood as the amount of force that is exerted on an area of one square inch. Normal atmospheric pressure at sea level is 14.7 PSI The acronym PSI stands for "Pounds per Square Inch," and is the common unit of measurement for pressure. It can be understood as the amount of force that is exerted on an area of one square inch. Normal atmospheric pressure at sea level is 14.7 PSI

How are rain and water vapor different?

Rain is liquid water falling from the sky, while water vapor is the gaseous form of water in the atmosphere. Rain occurs when water vapor condenses and falls back to the earth's surface due to various atmospheric conditions such as temperature and pressure.

What is the name for a space that contains no air?

A totally empty space (containing neither air nor anything else) is called a vaccum.

What becomes of a waves energy when the wave is totally reflected at a boundry?

When a wave is totally reflected at a boundary, its energy is mostly reflected back in the opposite direction. Some of the energy may be absorbed by the boundary or transmitted through it, but the wave largely maintains its energy as it reflects.

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