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You overcome and be awesome instead. Cmon if a loser like Owen Wilson can do it you can too. Truth is nobody is perfect and whatever your situation is, you can overcome it. Keep in contact with loved ones, try to get therapy if necessary. Nobody wins in suicide, everyone wins when you decide to overcome it. Try to help others in simple ways, youll find yourself much happier when you do.

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Q: When all you think about is suicide?
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What do the Church of England think about suicide?

The Church of England and all Anglican denominations are against suicide or assisted suicide even when those wishing to die are not members of a church. In fact they regularly influence politicians to vote against any changes to laws for assisted suicide.

What is the main reason why people commit suicide?

It is because something happens they think they can't handle and they think the only way out is suicide.

Why do people think suicide is never the answer?

It is an end, but not an answer. However, if all others have been tried and eliminated, it may be a solution.

Did Kurt Cobain's suicide boost suicide rates?

No, I don't think his suicide boosted suicide rates, but I heard on a news report that a couple of fans in the country committed suicide in the wake of his death.

Is suicide or attemped suicide against the law in Oregon?

Suicide is not a crime in Oregon. However, attempting suicide can lead to a mental health evaluation and treatment. Oregon has laws that focus on providing mental health support and intervention for individuals who may be at risk of harming themselves.

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Is suicide illegal in Nevada?

Yes, suicide or attempted suicide is illegal in all 50 states.

Is suicide illegal in Missouri?

Yes, suicide or attempted suicide is illegal in all 50 states.

Which religions condone suicide?

All religions condemn suicide.

Why do people have thoughts about suicide?

People have thoughts about suicide when they feel completely hopeless. Suicide can look like the only way out. People have thoughts about suicide when they have problems that they cannot think a way out of.

Why people think committing suicide cures all their problems?

Some people just lose all hope in everything. They feel like nothing is right and nothing will ever be okay, they feel that life is pointless and that they will always suffer. A lot of times, people who commit suicide have depression which could be treated. People commit suicide for all different reasons