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The Vacuoles and Lysosomes

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Q: When amoeba eats Which organelles will help store and digest it?
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Related questions

What do amoeba eat on?

Amoeba eats other organisms and smaller protists

Do virus have an amoeba?

Not intentionally, for when they do - the virus eats them.

What eats dead organelles and cleans cells?

The lysosome is what eats dead organelles and cleans up the cell.

Primary sources of energy of an amoeba?

The food it eats.

How much of a rodent does an owl digest?

it eats and digest it all

What kind of food does amoeba eat?

The Amoeba eats Algea, Bacteria, Plant Cells, and aslo other unicellular organisms

What eats an amoeba?

Amoeba are protozoans. They eat algae and other protozoans. Protozoans are eaten by zooplankton in the marine environment.

What is a lysosome that eats or ingests a bacterium?

Lysosomes in white blood cells that eat bacteria would store the waste of the bacteria until it could be removed from the body. This is part of the immune system.

How does an ameoba get food?

the amoeba is a animal like protists, or protozoan, classified as a sarcodine because of its movement. the amoeba eats and moves with pseudopods. (Pseudopods from the Greek word ψευδοπόδια, ψευδός "fake, false" + πόδια"feet") the pseodopods will wrap around the targeted food source and absorb the molecules.the pseudopods move the cell by shifting the organelles and weight of the cell.

Does an amoeba have any muscle tissue?

Yes, but not in the organs that large forms of life have, such as stomach, intestines livers, etc. Instead, they have what are called vacuoles. These vacuoles are small, circular pockets inside the amoeba spontaneously creates that can either digest food or excrete waste. When an amoeba eats, it engulfs its food with its pseudopods, or blob shaped projections. The food it engulfed creates a little pocket, or vacuole, that is then used to digest with and later, the vacuole is released from the amoeba containing the waste it created from digestion.

What type of nutrition is found in amoeba?

i am not exactly sure but an amoeba eats food particles

Compare the features shared by an amoeba and a specialized cell in the human defense system?

A macrophage, a white blood cell, is very similar to an amoeba in how it moves and eats.