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If the earthquake occurs on land - the highest damage occurs at the epicentre (the point at which the quake starts). If the quake begins at sea - most damage is caused at coastal regions from tidal waves.

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Q: When an earthquake occurs where would be damage more?
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Describe what happens along a fault beneath earth's surface when an earthquake occurs?

it helps the earthquake get more power,that way the earthquake does more damage by the way this ca, straight out of my science book so if u disagree thats your promblem ! please enjoy this answer:]!

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What damage occurs after a large earthquake?

If you mean damage to the surrounding are then it all depends on how built up the area is. Most damage is caused by structural collapse so more built up areas will see a higher amount of damage than a less built up, more rural area. If you mean damage to the earths crust itself then you need to look at what type of earthquake it was and the location of the epicentre (the point of origin)

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The more energy, the more damage it can cause.

How much money does a 6.5 earthquake cost?

The cost of an earthquake does not strictly depend on its intensity. How destructive an earthquake also depends on where it occurs. Factors that can make an earthquake more destructive include:A shallow hypocenterAn epicenter near a densely populated areaBuildings built on soft sedimentPoor quality of constructionA magnitude 6.5 Earthquake that occurs in the middle of nowhere is unlikely to cause much damage. One that strikes a major population center full of poorly constructed buildings could cause damage worth tens of billions of dollars.

What is more destructive a big earthquake or many small earthquakes?

It depends on how big the earthquake is. A big earthquake will cause more damage to the area.

Are earthquakes cause more damage near the epicenter?

Earthquake damage tends to be most intense at the epicenter, although sometimes an earthquake behaves unexpectedly and the damage is heaviest elsewhere.

Why is an earthquake a destructive force?

Becuase it cause more damage