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Q: When an electron of an atom returns from an excited state to the ground state it emits energy in the form of photon's does the change in energy level compare to the energy of the emitted photon?
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What causes photons to be emitted from excited atoms?

The energy difference, between two energy levels, is emitted as a photon, when the electron "falls down" to a lower energy level.

How many different protons of radiation were emitted from excited helium atoms to form the spectrum?

six photons

How does an excited atom go back to it's ground state?

It must omit a photon of light to lower the excited electron to a lower state. It may require multiple emissions to lower one electron multiple steps or multiple emissions to lower multiple excited electrons. (Incidentally this is why we see a blue sky - excited O2 molecules are emitting blue photons to get back to a ground state)

What is the total collection of photons emitted by a given atom?


If considering two different atoms explain the spectral lines?

Spectral lines are bright or dark lines in an otherwise continuous or uniform spectrum. They are caused by an excess (emission lines) or deficiency (absorption lines) of observed photons within certain frequency ranges. Absorption lines usually come from a background continuum; photons are absorbed when passing through matter to the observer. Absorption occurs when an electron within an atom absorbs a photons energy and is bumped up to an excited state. Emission lines usually come from hot gases; photons are emitted from these gases and reach the observer. Emission occurs when an electron within an atom falls back down to it's ground state and releases energy in the form of a photon.

Related questions

What causes photons to be emitted from excited atoms?

The energy difference, between two energy levels, is emitted as a photon, when the electron "falls down" to a lower energy level.

When excited electrons return to lower energy levels what is released?

Energy is emitted when an electron moves from a higher energy level to a lower energy level.

Energy can be released from a pigment with an excited electron by what method?

by emiting photons

What happens when the electrons relax?

As excited electrons drop back to lower energy levels in the atom, photons having the energy of the difference between the two electron energy levels are emitted from the atom.

How many different protons of radiation were emitted from excited helium atoms to form the spectrum?

six photons

What form of energy emission accompanies the return of an excited electron to its ground state?

What form of energy emission accompanies the return of excited electrons to the ground state?

An atom absorbs energy as its electron?

An electron in the ground state does absorb energy in form of photons or other electromagnetic radiations.

What determines the frequency ( color ) of photons?

Frequency determines color. Frequency is determined by the origin of the photon, i.e. emitted from an excited atom.

What causes an electron to go from a ground state to excited state?

Typically, an electron goes into an excited state when a photon (a particle of light) with just the right wavelength strikes it. For most molecules, these photons are in the Ultraviolet / Visible light spectrum.

What is the term for the small packets of energy emitted from light?

Pretty sure it is photons.....

How do you generate light?

Light is generated when photons are emitted from an atom. This occurs when an electron on one energy level of an atom falls to a lower energy level.

Does photoelectric effect take place below threshold frequency?

The threshold frequency for photoelectric emission is the smallest possible frequency a photon can have to be absorbed/emitted by an electron moving between energy levels in an atom. Explanation: Since electrons can't exist /between/ energy levels, and each electron would be moved a very specific amount by any given photon, only photons of certain frequencies can be properly absorbed/emitted, necessitating a minimum frequency.