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You can appeal on compassionate grounds.Or on grounds of religious or political persecution,with witnesses and proper documentation of your situation, but you have no innate RIGHT to be here unless you were born here.

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Q: When an immigrant is denied entry to the US can he sue the U.S.?
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Yes of course

Can a person cross the US border into Mexico with noting?

Yes, but on your way back to the US you may be denied entry.

What are the rules of marrying someone in the United States if the other person does not have citizenship yet?

You can get married, however there are immigration laws that govern the immigrants re-entry to the US if immigrant leaves until US Residency is established. A re-entry permit MUST be obtained BEFORE immigrant leaves the US prior to obtaining US Residency.

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you might be, as both countries belong to the EU. Try to ask at the French embassy before travelling. Good luck.

If you marry an immigrant who is in prison awaiting deportation will he be allowed to remain in the US?

No. The marriage would not be allowed. Also, marrying a US citizen regardless of the circumstances does not prevent an illegal immigrant from being deported.

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No, they are because black people were denied entry to the UK and Europe before Hitler and his political shabbyness took over us all

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It depends on the nature and severity of the criminal conviction. The Philippine immigration authorities have the discretion to deny entry to individuals with criminal records that they deem a threat to public safety and order. It is advisable to check with the Philippine Bureau of Immigration for more specific information based on the details of the criminal conviction.

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The largest immigrant group in the US are Mexicans, of which about 800,000 Mexicans migrate to the US every year.

What does annotation mean in visa?

In the context of a visa, annotation refers to additional information or remarks written on the visa itself to clarify or specify certain conditions or permissions granted to the visa holder. Annotations can include details such as the allowed duration of stay, work restrictions, or specific travel limitations.

What would a legal immigrant's status be if their H-4 visa extension request is denied?

The person would be considered "unlawfully present" within the US and required to voluntarily return to their country of origin or be judicially deported.