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Q: When an infant speaks his Babies are born with the ability to suck and to respond to faces. These traits areor her first word this is an example of a in development?
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Babies laughing at 4 months old is an example of?

development .

The changes in human babies during their first year of life is an example of?

This would be development

What is one innate ability that babies have?

One innate ability that babies have is their ability to grow.

Does baby sign language stunt babies ability to talk?

No, baby sign language does not stunt babies' ability to talk. In fact, it can help babies communicate and understand language earlier, which may even support their speech development. Baby sign language is a complementary communication tool that can enhance cognitive development.

When do babies respond to their name?

1 year

What color do babies respond to most often?

Babies respond to bright colors most often. This might be yellow or pink. Some babies even like red. New colors are their favorite, and will likely get a second glance.

Are Babies born with the ability to learn all the languages in the world?

Babies are born with the ability to learn any language, but their ability to learn multiple languages depends on exposure to those languages. Babies raised in multilingual environments are more likely to learn multiple languages.

How old are babies when they start to respond to any sound?

about 9 to 10 mouths

Do you have to go through puberty to have babies?

You have to have your period in order to have babies. Once you have your period then you can have babies, but once you turn 50, or so, you don't have the ability to have babies anymore.

What are A Dolphins Development?

They grow then they develop there babies then they get older

Is it bad for babies to walk at an early age?

It is good in fact. It helps babies with balance and muscular development.

What color do babies like best?

Some researchers and pediatricians say that babies respond to black, red, and white. I'm not very sure though.