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Q: When an object returns to its original shape and size after the stress is removed its called?
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A Ready-made or objet trouvé.

The force that a second object returns to the first object is called the?

see Newton's Laws of Motion

Is it true that When you apply a force an object it deforms for a while then returns to its original shape?

On a very small scale, it is true.

What makes elasticity a physical property?

The concept of elasticity is a physical property because force can mutate a physical item and then when that force is removed and elastic object returns to its original form.æ Using elasticity to explain non physical phenonmena is a misnomer.

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"[Substr] returns a string object with its contents initialized to a substring of the current object."

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Difference bw elastic and plastic torsion?

after the removal of load if the object regains its original position is called elastic deformation ....If the object cant regain its original position even after the removal of applied load is called plastic deformation...

Difference between elastic and plastic deformation?

Elastic deformation returns to it's original shape after a strain is applied. Plastic deformation returns to a deformed shape after a strain is applied. The material's molecular bonds are strained to the point of fracture, making it not possible to return to the same state. Elastic deformation will return to its original shape. Plastic deformation is when you alter the original form. To understand more on this subject you might investigate failure analysis literature. Lots of good stuff there ratchet marks, beach marks, reverse bending etc... I believe the U.S. metallurgical society has the best reference material on this subject. A temporary shape change that is self-reversing after the force is removed, so that the object returns to its original shape, is called elastic deformation. In other words, elastic deformation is a change in shape of a material at low stress that is recoverable after the stress is removed. Examples would be the loading of a bridge or building support beam where the loads remain within the original design parameters, or the use of a safety pin where when it is opened it returns to it's unloaded shape. When the stress is sufficient to permanently deform the metal, it is called plastic deformation. Examples would be the building support beams for the twin towers, where the heat generated by the fires decreased the strength of the steel and allowed it to deform plastically, or the loads that are applied to a section of electrical conduit or mechanical piping in order to bend them into a specific shape. in elastic def. , the material returns to its original shape once force is removed. in plastic, the deformation is permanent and the material doesn't return to its original shape the elastic deformation happens in yield point and elastic deformation back to original size but plastic deformation will not back tto original size.