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Q: When and where did George Washington Carver refuse to get a larger salary?
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What did George Washington refuse to?

He refuse to be the king.

Who was the first president to refuse a third term?

George Washington

Did George Washington refuse to sign the Constitution?

No. He ratified it on Sept. 17, 1787.

What year did year did George Washington refuse a third term as president?


What did George Washington refused?

He refuse to be the king.

Who was the first president to refuse a salary?

George Washington hesistated to take his salary at first, but became convinced that refusing salary would set a precedent that might discourage other less wealthy men from running for President.

Did George Washington refuse to isolate himself from the general public?

yes he refused to isolate himself from the general public

Why did Martha Washington refuse to attend George's funeral?

too upset. she owed no one an explanation

Why did George Washington refuse to become king?

He saw what happened under a king and had just fought a war against one.

Why did George Washington refuse to shake hands during his inauguration?

He hated Germs so he refused to shake hands with anybody.

Did George Washington refuse Whiskey Rebellion?

Washington raised an army to crush they rebellion. However, before Washington arrived to Pennsylvania the militia dispersed. Washington and his forces arrested a few people, who were either found not guilty or pardoned.

What did President George washington consider to be a grave danger to the newnation?

The Whiskey Rebellion, because he thought that for farmers to refuse to pay their taxes would cause the government to collapse.