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in India they first cam up with then number 0 and was used probly in the 1500

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Q: When and where was zero first used?
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When was zero first used in math?


Indian used zero first time?


Who were the first people to use a zero and in which countries is it still used today?

The concept of the number zero first appeared in India around 458 A.D.

How was the zero first used in ancient India?

it was used on a base 10 number system

Who first discovered how to utilize the concept of zero in mathematics?

Mayans developed zero as a placeholder around A.D. 350 and used it to denote a placeholder in their elaborate calendar systems. But Mayans never used zero in equations.

When and where were negative numbers first used?

Probably in Arabia in ancient times. The Arabs were the first to introduce the concept of 'zero'.

Who used first the term zero based budgeting?

ZBB governor of Georgia Peter Phyrr.

Who is first person who used number zero?

I'm in 5th grade so as far as i know it was the Aztec who invented the number zero to make their calenders correct.

Could one explain what the zero rate is?

Zero rate has several meanings. The meaning differs on what zero rate is used for. For example, if it is used for loaning money, then "zero rate" might be used for zero interest rate.

Aryabhata was one of the first scientists known to have used?

a binary system of counting in ones and zero's lol

Which comes first zero or digit?

Zero is a digit.

How and where is zero used?

zero is used in the number system as a digit and a add on to other digits