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Q: When animals eat other animals is that call a prey or predators?
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Related questions

What are animals the prey of?

Animals are the prey of other animals/predators.

What is the difference between prey and predators?

Prey animals are eaten by predators. (Preydators)

Are ermines predators or prey?

They are predators because they eat flesh and other animals.

What are the margays pray and preditors?

Prey are animals that (usually) are animals that are eaten by other animals. Those other animals are predators and scavengers. Most of the time, predators are sometimes scavengers. (Example: Caribou is the prey for the wolf that is the predator.)

Is a Maltese dog a prey animal?

Canines (dogs) are predators, that is they prey on other animals.

How do predator and prey interact with each other?

Predators hunt, kill and eat their prey animals. Prey animals tries to outrun, or stay hidden, and in rare cases, fight off their predators.

What do you call animals which are eaten by other animals?


Is a squirrel a prey or a predator?

Predators are animals that hunt and kill other animals for food. Squirrels only eat nuts, seeds and berries, so they are not predators. If anything, they are prey.


Both. They do act as a predators on other animals but also are hunted as prey.

Does the wild yak hunt?

No. Yaks are herbivores and thus prey animals, not predators. Predators are hunters, not prey animals.

Are the predators animals tha eat other animals?

yes, they are the hunters that kill the other animals. the others are generally called prey.

Are llamas predators?

No. Llamas are prey animals, not predators.