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Q: When approaching a rare road crossing the state line requires drivers and pedestrians to stop less then how many feet away from the crossing?
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Why are pedestrians in the Philippines at risk?

Pedestrians in the philippines are at risk because of drivers not following the right way. People are the priority when crossing a pedestrian, therefore the vehicle should stop regardless of any kind (depends if its an emergency) should stop and let the people go through from the start and to the end (make it to the other side). But unfortunately, drivers just pass by not caring whether there are people crossing on the pedestrian.

What are reasons for pedestrains action that might cause conflict?

Pedestrians MUST look both ways before they cross streets, and NOT expect crosswalks to automatically protect them. Drivers OFTEN do not see pedestrians, and drivers do not often notice crosswalks. Drivers may be from out of town, or may not have driven on that particular street before. Pedestrians must not ASSUME that drivers will automatically stop for pedestrians at a crosswalk; and pedestrians must not ASSUME that drivers always see them.

When turning left at an intersection you must yield the right of way to pedestrians crossing from?

You must yield right of way to pedestrians period. Pedestrians have the right of way all the time. They are frequently stupid if they take it. It is frequently impossible for drivers to see them in time and stop if they step out in front of cars. Still, if you see one, you have to give the pedestrian the right of way! You are not allowed to deliberately hit a pedestrian.

Describe the dangers of not having zebra crossings?

Answersome zebras get crushedAnswer:The danger comes from having them, not from not having them. Like most safety precautions the result of their use is counter intuitive. In this case pedestrians "know" drivers will stop to allow them to cross safely at the zebra crossing. As a result they give up the proper pre crossing habits of looking both ways and evaluating the hazard. instead they blindly walk into traffic without pausing. Drivers who are too close to stop collide with the pedestrians.

Are the majority of people killed in traffic accidents drivers or passengers or pedestrians?


When crossing a street pedestrians should always use a crosswalk if it is available or should wait for traffic to stop for them.?

By law, motorists are REQUIRED to stop for ANY pedestrian at any MARKED crosswalk with crosswalk lines on both sides. At some crosswalks with no traffic light, pedestrians are not required to wait although since all drivers are not that smart to automatically stop for pedestrians in crosswalks, it may be wise for the pedestrian to consider their own safety and wait anyway.

How is the zebra crossing warning sign used?

A zebra crossing has a yellow bulb about 1 ft diameter on a black and white striped post at a height of about ten feet which flashes on and off about once a second, 24/7. That warning sign can be seen from distance by approaching drivers.

Why do cars toot?

Because their horn won't stop Warning device for other drivers and or pedestrians.

What does a Bicycle Crossing sign mean?

It's a place where a bike lane has to cross a road. Does the same thing for bike riders as as zebra crossings do for pedestrians, provides a designated place to cross a road where car drivers can expect them which makes crossings safer for all.

What are the duties of a school crossing guard?

Some of the typical duties of a School Crossing Guard are as follows: * Provide safety to school children and pedestrians in designated school crossings at elementary and middle schools. * Escort children across the street going to and from school. * Help to prevent children from crossing the street during heavy traffic flow until it is safe to cross. * Report license numbers of reckless drivers and suspicious activity to the School Crossing Guard office.

Where are drivers most likely to encounter distracted pedestrians?

School zones, residential areas, and downtown areas.

Do Drivers must yield to pedestrians?

It is a motorist's duty NOT to hit a pedestrian. It is a motorist's duty to drive at a speed where he can stop so as not to hit something in front of him. Thus the point is moot - if a pedestrian is "in the road" you should not hit him/her - you stop and give way. Imagine - "your honor I had the right of way so I drove the pedestrian down".