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As an individual:

April 15th is the due date to pay your taxes in California.
October 15th is the due date to file your taxes in California.

If you don't pay by April 15th but file by October 15th, then a penalty of:
5% of balance at April 15th plus
.5% each month balance is due
MAX is 25% of unpaid balance

If you don't file by October 15th, then a penalty of:
5% of unpaid balance from each month your return is late
MAX is 25% of unpaid balance
MIN is $100 or 100% of unpaid balance, which ever is greater.

On top of that there is interest of 5% (annual) starting from April 15th, it is compounded daily and adjusted twice a year.

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Federal Form 1040 is due April 15, 2010.Other types of taxes such as corporate taxes, estimated taxes, local taxes, property taxes, employments taxes, excise taxes all have their own due dates.

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None. California just has high TAXES. We have the highest sales taxes, the highest state income taxes, and our property taxes are in the top third. Businesses are fleeing California as fast as they can.

When are taxes do?

Federal income taxes are due April 15 of the following year.Most state income taxes are due the same day, but check with your state.Other taxes such as property taxes, estimated taxes, sales taxes, etc. each have their own due date.

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Property taxes for the first six months of 2012 must be paid by April 10th 2012, If you are late paying, a late fee is added to the bill.

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No it is not necessary to file for an extension when no taxes are due or you would be due a refund.

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they get it from taxes

When are Income taxes are due by?

April 15th is when yearly taxes are due. although an extension can be filed

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If you live in California, then you need to transfer the registration to California and pay the taxes there. Visit your local dmv with the title and they will tell you what needs to be done.

Are taxes due upon sale of lot in Florida?

Yes you know that the taxes are due when you sell property.

What taxes does California levy?

The taxes in California varies by what city in California someone is in. The rate varies of 4% to 7%. This rate for general goods. People in California also pay an income tax.

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