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There are no set 'free listing' days. Various promotions, such as reduced fee/free listing days occur from time to time, but the only way to find out when they are scheduled is to look at the Announcement Board on your local site, as this is where they initially publicised. You might also receive an email giving details of the promotion, but the only sure way to find out is from the Announcement Board.

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Q: When are the free listing days on eBay?
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Does it cost anything to put an item on EBAY?

Yes there are seller fees. Sometime though they do have "Free listing" days, but not very often.

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You'll reach a broad audience by listing your car on Ebay Motors. The site now has a flat listing rate. You can also try a free listing on Craig's List, but you are likely to get more exposure on Ebay Motors.

How long can you get a way from not payin on eBay?

7 days and then it turns into an unpayed listing and then eBay will contact you wanting to know if you still want the item if not the transaction will be canceled

Can you extend an eBay auction?

No, that is not possible. An eBay auction can run for 1,3,5,7 or 10 days, but once you have made the selection and submitted your listing, the duration cannot be extended.

What is the maximum number of pictures you can put in an eBay listing?

12.The first one is free and you can upload up to 11 additional.

How much is it to sign up for e bay?

Ebay is free to sign up. You are only charged if listing items for sale.

How do I put up cars for auction?

You can go to eBay Classifieds, and wants to list it in eBay Motors, one must end the Classified listing - then make a listing in eBay Motors.

How is it possible to create a free listing online?

There are many sites and services used to create a free listing online. A few of the more popular sites are craigslist and amazon as well as ebay. If its for a service, there are also many directories like the Yellow Pages available.

Can you take down a listing on eBay?

Yes, you can cancel a listing if you are the one who originally listed it.

How do you put digital picture to eBay?

You are allowed one free picture and you can upload more pictures for an additional fee, sometimes they are free when you are listing your items to sell on the sell your item form.

Where could someone do some cheap trading online?

Somebody could do some cheap trading of goods on eBay or Gumtree, as eBay has free listing weekends and Gumtree free lists. However, a profit is only made if someone actually buys what is being sold.

What is the minimum listing price of an item in an eBay Store?

There is no minimum listing price for single item listings.