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The purpose of a Birth Control pill is not to get pregnant, so they are not "prone" to getting pregnant. To get pregnant the pill has to be stopped.

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Q: When are women on birth control most prone to getting pregnant?
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Should you Miss your period while on birth control?

For me, Its up to you. All I can say is that you are not prone to get pregnant when you are havimg your menstrual period. ^_^ For me, Its up to you. All I can say is that you are not prone to get pregnant when you are havimg your menstrual period. ^_^

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While women tend to be least prone to getting pregnant just before their period begins, timing is by NO MEANS a reliable version of birth control. Even if the man does not ejaculate inside of her, he still can get her pregnant. A more reliable source would be using condoms, or using a form of birth control. Places such as Planned Parenthood and often school nurses provide both without any type of prescription or parental signature. If you cannot handle the responsibility of getting some form of birth control, you certainly wouldn't be able to handle having a child. Please be responsible!

Can birth control pills cause stretch marks?

Particular birth control pills contain a hormone that can increase your chances of getting stretch marks. The Depo Provera shot and Dianette can set up women's skin to be prone to stretch marks as well as weight gain.If you are taking either of these you may want to consider switching to a different kind with reduced side-effects. However, don't skip your birth control, just control your diet, drink water and use moisturizers.

Do Yaz birth control give you a infection?

Birth control pills don't cause infection, but some women find they're more prone to yeast infections when on the birth control pill. IF that seems to be true for you, talk with your health care provider regarding the possibility of changing to a different pill with a different hormone profile.

A sentence for prone?

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You are prone for heartburn as pregnant but eating peppers is not harmful.

If you have add a baby 3 weeks ago and add sex is it possible you could be pregnant as you were on a period?

Right after you give birth to a baby is the time when you are most prone to get pregnant again. Also, it is not physically healthy for a woman to have sex so soon after childbirth.

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Yes, the Bedlington Terrier are prone to getting cataracts.

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No. Immunity has nothing to do with getting pregnant and you wrote your tubes were tied so you CAN NOT get pregnant. That is the purpose of getting them tied so the ovum can't be reached by the sperm.

Does the nicotine patch affect birth control?

There are no known drug interactions between Nyquil and the birth control pill.I've taken NyQuil and dayquil with velivet birth control and some times I do fine while other times I get a bit nauseous. When I eat a healthy I feel much better but I have vomited afterwards due to not eating well. So if it is absolutely necessary, you are more prone to getting sick if you do not it a good nutricious meal. However, different things work differently for different people so good luck.

Name two groups of people that are prone to nutrient deficiencies?

Two groups of people who are prone to nutrient deficiencies are pregnant women and teenagers.

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She is prone to getting injured because of her reckless behavior.