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Q: When bacteria that reproduce have DNA different from the parent cells?
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Bacteria may reproduce by?

Binary fission, where a parent cells splits into two identical cells.

When bacteria reproduce by what one cell divides to form two identical cells?

One parent produces offspring that are exact copies of the parent.

What organism uses mitosis to reproduce?

bacteria and amoebaBacteria reproduce by fission.Mitosis is involved in single celled eukariyotic organisms

Do bacteria have many cells?

the bacteria cell has only one cell and they are called unicellular.they reproduce with asexual reproduction. the bacteria are called different archaebacteria.

Do bacteria cells reproduce asexually?


Does bacteria reproduce by injection their genes into other cells?


Bacteria reproduce by injecting their genes into other cells.?


Is bacteria a asexual organism?

Yes. Bacteria cells reproduce by a process called binary fission. The daughter cell is genetically identical to the parent cell (unless spontaneous mutations occur during division).

How many parent cells will be needed to reproduce sexually?


What organisms use binary fission?

Prokaryotic cells perform binary fission as a form of asexual reproduction. In contrast, eukaryotic cells tend to perform mitosis, which is mechanically different.

How do bacterial cells reproduce?

Bacteria reproduce through binary fission (cell division) and conjugation. In cell division, the bacteria duplicates its single chromosome, then divides into two different cells; this can happen at an extremely rapid rate (20 minutes). In conjugation, two cells temporarily attach, exchanging DNA; this increases genetic diversity, making the species more sustainable. Once the species detatch, they then go through cell division to reproduce.

What is the cells herditary system?

New cells are usually exactly the same as their parent, for most cells reproduce asexually.