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condition known as jaundice

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Q: When billirubin builds up in the body tissue and skin it causes?
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When does the body build muscle?

After you work out, you rip muscle tissue and your body builds the muscle back. Thus, forming muscle on top of muscle.

What is important for building and repairing body tissue?

The nutrient that repairs and builds body tissue is protein. I've seen people say that vitamin C repairs and builds body tissue, but Vitamin C is not a nutrient in the protein category. Vitamin C would be under the nutrient category "vitamins". There are six major nutrient categories. They are:ProtiensFatsCarbohydratesWaterVitaminsMineralsAll of the minor nutrients in the protein category can help repair and build up body tissue. For more information on this topic, send me a message. I am a scientist, after all.

What Nutrients helps build and repair body tissue?

The nutrient that repairs and builds body tissue is protein. I've seen people say that vitamin C repairs and builds body tissue, but Vitamin C is not a nutrient in the protein category. Vitamin C would be under the nutrient category "vitamins". There are six major nutrient categories. They are:ProtiensFatsCarbohydratesWaterVitaminsMineralsAll of the minor nutrients in the protein category can help repair and build up body tissue. For more information on this topic, send me a message. I am a scientist, after all.

Name1 of the 3 food functions that nutrains perform?

One of the primary functions of nutrients in food is to provide the human body with energy. Protein, an essential nutrient, builds and repairs body tissue.

How can you tell your breast buds are going away?

As your body's hormones are released, more tissue develops in your breasts. As the tissue builds, your chest gets larger. This leads into the third stage, where your breasts are past budding, but not full yet.

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Is choletsterol a mineral?

no. Cholesterol is not a liqiud because it builds up in your body and it causes heart disease because it is small soilds put together.

What tissue of the body does rabies infect?

Rabies causes inflammation of the brain in human

What is calcific densities?

A calcific density is a medical phenomenon in which calcium builds up on body tissue and causes it to harden. Calcific densities can occur in many parts of the body. Calcific densities are caused by any disorder that leads calcium to be deposited in a part of the body other than the bones and teeth. Also known as calcifications, calcific densities can usually be seen in X-rays.

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simply put, when radiation is introduced to your body, that "excess energy" is put into your biological tissue and it acts unstable.

What are the tissues called inside your body?

The tissue in our body is called Body tissue.

Which is larger a cell or body tissue?

body tissue is larger.