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There is a magic tree in a clould they purch on to p of that and then they are saved. Maybe they just land !

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Q: When birds are flying one bird is tired. how the bird is saved?
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What has more lift - the wing of a slow-flying bird or the wing of a fast-flying bird?

Slow flying birds

Is flying an instinctive behavior for birds?

It is instinct for the parent bird to feed the baby birds.

Which collective noun means a lot bird flying together?

A Flock of Birds means a lot of bird flying together

Birds are designed for flying?

Most birds are designed for flying. There are some bird that do not fly like penguins, emus, ostriches and cassowary.

What is the birds flying today?

The birds flying today is an bird that is rather large bigger than a elephant in the animal world it is called an airoplane

How are all bird alike?

All birds have wings (although not all birds are capable of flying). Every bird also has a beak and feathers.

What shape is a birds wing?

A flying bird's wing is in the shape of an airfoil.

Is the highest flying bird the humming bird?

No, humming birds do not tend to fly extremely high. The highest flying bird recorded was a Ruppell's griffon, a vulture with a wingspan of about 10 feet.

What is the same about a fruit bat and a bird?

Bats and birds are both flying animals.

A flying machine that utilizes flapping wings like a bird?

Iron Birds

What are the largest living flying birds?

The California Condor - which is also an endangered bird.

What are the only birds that give birth?

If a bird were to give birth, it would not be considered a bird, but a flying mammal with feathers.