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Q: When bits of ice crystals form in clouds they may fall to the ground as?
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In the wintertime why don't entire clouds freeze and fall to the ground?

In winter entire clouds don't freeze and fall to the ground because the air they are floating in is warming than the air on the ground. In addition some clouds are already made of very tiny ice crystals which are light enough to float.

Does rain come from a sweating cloud?

No. Rain comes from clouds, but the clouds do not sweat. Clouds are made of water droplets, ice crystals, or a combination of the two. Rain falls when ice crystals grow inside a cloud, melt, and fall to the ground.

What's the difference between snow and frost?

Frost is a form of deposition and requires a surface (on the ground) to form its ice crystals. Snow can only form in clouds - the ice crystals grow around condensation nuclei and then fall to the ground. Frost is confined to the ground.

What fall to the ground when clouds become too heavy?


When clouds make rain fall where does it go?

on the ground and then it evaporates

Can cirrus clouds form snow?

Cirrus clouds are high enough to be at a low enough temperature for the water droplets to form into ice crystals. However, Cirrus clouds are not precipitation clouds, so no snow or rain can fall from them. The clouds that can cause snow to fall in the right conditions are Nimbostratus and Cumulonimbus clouds.

Are ice particles and ice crystals the same thing?

no Ice particles fall from the sky but Ice crystals form on the ground.

What are the steps of water vapor to sleet?

The water vapour in the atmosphere condense to form clouds. It may precipitates in the form of sleet.

What happens to bits of body after they have been cut off?

They usually fall to the ground.

What factor in clouds control snowflake formation?

There isn't a factor in clouds that control snowflake formation.Wet snow: water droplets and ice crystals form. Ice crystals grow. Ice crystals combine and form snowflakes. Snowflakes begin to melt. Dry snow:water droplets and ice crystals form. Ice crystals grow. Ice crystals combine snowflakes. Snowflakes fall without melting.

Why don't clouds fall to earth?

Actually they do fall to the earth. Clouds are drops of water and when it rains, snow, hails, or if there is any sleet it is cloud falling through the ground.

Why does snow and rain fall downwards?

Like anything else with mass, the snowflakes and raindrops that form in clouds are attracted by the force of gravity. The earth, being the largest mass in the vicinity, overpowers the gravitational attraction of all other masses. Snowflakes and raindrops fall downwards because this net downward gravitational force also overcomes the upward forces of the air between the clouds and the earth's surface. Note that the smaller water droplets and ice crystals that make up the clouds also have mass and are attracted by the earth's gravity. However they do not fall downwards because the upward force of the currents of air below balances the downward gravitational force.