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They get realy sick

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Q: When blood sugar levels drop what happens to the insulin and glucagon levels?
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Are insulin and glucagon antagonistic hormones?

Yes insulin and glucagon are antagonistic hormones, as they antagonize, or incite a reaction, the liver into transforming glucose into glycogen when the blood sugar levels are high (insulin), and transforming glycogen into glucose when the blood sugar levels are low (glucagon).

What is the hormone from the pancreas which functions in opposition to insulin known as?

The hormone from the pancreas which functions in opposition to insulin is glucagon. It raises blood sugar levels by promoting the breakdown of glycogen into glucose in the liver.

What does the pancreatic islets secrete in reponse to low blood sugar?

Insulin is secreted by the pancreas to control blood sugar levels.

What regulates glucose levels and inhibits release of glucagon releasing blood glucose levels?


How does the hormone regulates blood glucose levels?

The hormone that regulates blood glucose levels is insulin plus a second hormone, glucagon. Insulin lowers blood glucose levels and glucagon increases blood glucose levels. Insulin actually carries the glucose molecule across the cell membrane. That is how it actually lowers the glucose molecules in the blood. Glucagon causes the liver, which stores glycogen, to convert it to glucose which is released in the blood. These two hormones form a feedback mechanism which keeps glucose stable.

What is one hormone associated with the maintenance of blood glucose levels?


What pancreatic hormone stimulates elevated blood glucose levels?

The hormone Insulin regulates the body's glucose levels.

Insulin and glucagon regulate blood levels of?

high & low blood sugars, respectively

Are there any hormones other than insulin that reduce blood glucose levels?


What chemical does the pancreas release?

The pancreatic beta islets produce insulin. Alfa cells produce glucagon. Insulin and glucogon produce a homeostatic method to produce normal blood glucose levels.

What hormones are involved in blood glucose regulation?

Insulin causes the uptake of glucose from your blood into your cells. In a healthy person when blood sugar levels go up, insulin is secreted by the pancreas which causes a decrease in blood sugar. When they fall, your pancreas secrets glucagon, which causes cells to release sugar into the blood stream.

Which glands control blood sugar levels?

The pancreas is responsible for regulating blood glucose levels through the production of insulin and glucagon.