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Q: When both alleles of gene are different what is individual?
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When both of the alleles of a gene are different what is the individual?


When alleles of a gene are different what is the individual?


What term is used when both alleles are different?

The condition called in a case when you have a two different types of alleles is called as Heterozygous and when this is exactly the opposite that is when it has the alleles for the same source we describe such a condition as a Homozygous. This two terms are of most importance when you take the genetics

When both alleles of a gene are different what is the indivisual?

If one allel is dominant and the other is reccesive then the individual is said to be heterozygous. Sorry about the spelling.

It an organism has two alleles that are different then the individual is?

heterozygous for that specific gene.

Different versions of the same gene are called?

Different versions of the same gene are called

A dominant genetic disorder will be expressed if an individual has?

Two dominant alleles that cause the disorder.

The first filial generation is the result of?

The first filial generation is the result from a cross between parents homozygous for different alleles at a locus. This is when where an individual inherits the same alleles for a particular gene from both parents.

What is a heterozygote?

An organism that contains two different alleles of a particular gene and thus, providing an increase to varying offspring - diversification.In individual that contains two different alleles for a gene (it might be written Bb or Rr, etc.).

What do you call a person who has one dominant and one recessive copy of a gene?

We call a gene that has two different alleles heterozygous.

Organisms with two different alleles for a trait?

The organism that has two different alleles for the same trait is called heterozygous. This also refers to a cell or an individual that has two different forms of gene.

An what is a different version of the same gene?

The different molecular versions of the same gene are called alleles.