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Q: When camping, does loud snoring deter or attract wild animals?
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What kind of flowers deter animals?

There are many different kinds of flowers that can ultimately deter animals. These flowers are poisonous and animals know it.

Do burglar alarms really deter determined burglars?

Yes, burglar alarms can really deter determined burglars because they dont want to attract any attention to themselves. If a alarm is going off, that will attract attention to them.

Opposite of attract attention?

being another face in the crowd OR To deter attention. To blend in. To repel attention.

Why do animals spray besides skunks?

Animals spray to "mark" their territory, and also to deter their predators.

Why do Flat lizards from South America flaunt their rainbow bellies?

To attract mates, and to deter competition from competing males

What are the defense mechanisms of a rose?

Roses have thorns as a physical defense mechanism to deter herbivores and prevent them from being eaten. They also produce chemical compounds, such as tannins and phenolic compounds, that can make them unpalatable to animals that may try to consume them. Additionally, roses can release volatile compounds as a form of chemical defense to deter pests or attract beneficial insects.

Does smoke keep mosquitoes away?

Some smoke is known to deter mosquitoes from an area.

What product or item can you safely and legally carry on walks with your dogs to deter aggressive animals?

A golf club

How do you deter the cougars in your backyard from sniffing your chrysanthemums?

spray them with windex, it woun't hurt the flowers and it will repell bugs and animals

What is the synonym and antonym of the word deter?

A synonym of deter is divert. An antonym of deter is support.

Is the word deter an adjective?

No, deter is a verb.

What is the purpose of thorns on a rosebush and what does a skunk have that does the same job?

Protection, to deter grazing animals. A skunk emits a noxious odour for protection.