

When can't you see the moon?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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Usually, you can't see the moon when there is a storm coming. You can't see the moon when there is a storm happening.

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A new moon.

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new moon

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Why is it sometimes you can see the moon in the day and sometimes you can't see it at night?

u cant see the moon at night when its new moon I'm not sure about the day

Why cant you always see the moon at nigttime?

sometimes clouds may block your view of the moon

Why cant you see the moon as well in the day as you can at night?

because of the sun

Why does the moon get full?

The moon gets full because.... When the sun is on the side of the moon facing away from Earth you cant see the moon. When the sun is on the side facing the Earth you can see the full Moon! it basically relies on where the sun is positioned.

What would happen if you stood on moon when the sun rose?

it will be same you will be able to see moon , you cant see moon from earth in day because the shine/light of sun is more than moon. hope i helped u !

Where is the moon in its orbit when you cant see it?

The moon orbits the earth. When you can not see it, it is on the other side of the earth. That happens once a day as the earth spins on its axis.

Does the moon disapear on certain days of the month?

yes the moon does disappear on certain days of the month The moon doesn't really disappear you just cant see it :)

Why cant you see the entire surface of the moon from earth?

because the earth rotaes around so we are not able to see it fully