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When Police can "see" an illegal item they may seize it without a court's permission. This is known as "Plain View Doctrine". EXAMPLE: On a motor vehicle stop for a minor traffic infraction, if the officer spots a gun that is not concealed and is in "Plain View" then it may seized, no warrant, no court permission needed. This is but ONE example.

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Q: When can someone be searched and seized according to the fourth amendment?
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What part of the constitution protects you from having you or your home searched without a searched warrant?

the Fourth Amendment

The amendment to the consitition that most directly affects the police is the?

The Fourth Amendment, because it has to do with searched and seizures, as well as potential police brutality.

What American values are in the fourth amendment?

the fourth amendment is one of americas most valuable amendment because it gave americans the right to have sex how ever and when ever. Okay.. I don't really know what the Fourth Amendment has to do with sex at all. the Fourth Amendment is about Search and Seizures. About knowing your person, your house, your belongings can't be searched without reason.

How are citizens protected under the and fourth amendment?

The third amendment prevents the military from forcing citizens to house soliders and the Fourth Amendment makes sure that before a citizens property can be searched, authorities must now get a search warrant.- Your welcome.

How are citizens protected under the Third and Fourth amendment?

The third amendment prevents the military from forcing citizens to house soliders and the Fourth Amendment makes sure that before a citizens property can be searched, authorities must now get a search warrant.- Your welcome.

What amendment protects persons against unreasonable search and seizure?

The fourth amendment protects you from both , so if someone brakes into your house with a gun ask them if they have a warrent =]

What are the rights protected by the fourth amendment?

The right of people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects; prevents unreasonable searches and seizures.

Which amendment might protect you from your back pack being searched?

The Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and reprohibits warrants from being issued without probable cause supported by oath or affirmation stating the particular thing to be seized. This means that your back pack cannot be arbitrarily seized and searched.

Search and seizure restrictions are listed in what amendment?

fourth amendment

When was the fourth amendment signed?

The fourth amendment was ratified on Decemeber 15, 1791.

Which amendment protects you from search and sesure except by warrant?

The Fourth Amendment. The right of the people to be secure in their persons houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

How much rights does a fourth waiver have?

A "fourth waiver" gives up their right to have a say in getting searched by law enforcement. Police have the right to search the person, their belongings, and the area they are in (room, car, etc.) whether the "fourth waiver" gives consent or not. The police are allowed to do whenever they like and for whatever reason they like. If someone is riding in a car with a "fourth waiver", they should be aware that their car is subject to search.