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The US Supreme Court can review and determine the constitutionality of any law -- state, federal or municipal ordinance -- that is relevant to a case or controversy before the Court. It is important to note that the Court must have proper jurisdiction (typically appellate jurisdiction) over the case in order to consider any aspect of the laws involved.

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Q: When can the Supreme Court rule on the Constitutionality of the law?
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Why is Marbury v. Madison considered to be an important Supreme Court decision?

It established the authority of the Supreme Court to rule on the constitutionality of an act of Congress. That is, it resolved that the Supreme Court is the final authority when determining whether a law is Constitutional or not.

Why is Marbury Madison considered to be an important Supreme Court decision?

It established the authority of the Supreme Court to rule on the constitutionality of an act of Congress. That is, it resolved that the Supreme Court is the final authority when determining whether a law is Constitutional or not.

Why is marbury v. Madison consider to be important supreme court decision?

It established the authority of the Supreme Court to rule on the constitutionality of an act of Congress. That is, it resolved that the Supreme Court is the final authority when determining whether a law is Constitutional or not.

Who decides the law constitutionality?

(in the US) The Supreme Court of the United States

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The judicial review is the process whereby the Supreme Court can judge the constitutionality of a given law. During the process, the law is usually allowed to take its course.

Which federal court could declare the final word on the constitutionality of state law?

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Can the Supreme Court rule on the Constitution?

No. According to Article VI, the Constitution is the "supreme law of the land" which justices of the US Supreme Court swear to uphold. The Constitution is the standard by which other legislation is judged; the Constitution itself is not subject to judicial review.For more information on this topic, see Related Questions, below.

Who determines the constitutionality of a state law?

The Supreme Court determines if laws made by congress are constitutional or not. In your state your State Supreme or Superior court will decide if state laws are unjust.

Key decisions of the Supreme Court under the leadership of John Marshall solidified the power of the Supreme Court to?

Key decisions of the supreme court under the leadership pf john marshall solidified the power of the supreme court to review the constitutionality of the state and federal law.

Which court could declare final word on constitutionality of Federal law?

The highest court in the United States is the United States Supreme Court. No case may be appealed beyond the Supreme Court's jurisdiction, and the court's decision is final.

Can US District Court decide if a law is unconstitutional?

Yes, US District Courts can, and do, declare laws unconstitutional. Any court can declare a law unconstitutional if the law is relevant to a case they're trying or reviewing; however, the government would probably appeal the case all the way to the Supreme Court to get a definitive answer. The US Supreme Court is the ultimate arbiter of constitutionality, and has final authority over questions of constitutionality.

What the main job of Supreme Court?

The main job of the Supreme Court is to interpret laws. They asses the constitutionality of laws and circumstances. They have the power to overturn laws they find unconstitutional.