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Cut back to within a couple of inches of the soil once the foliage either browns slightly or falls over. If left to brown right off, the above soil part can easily be pulled away, leaving the corm intact, ready to grow next season.

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Q: When can the plant crocosmia be cut back?
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The scientific or taxonomic name would be Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora.

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Yes, cut lettuce does grow back after you cut it. When I was young, we had a garden and used our lettuce all the time. Just don't pick the whole plant.

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yes they will grow back just keep them in high quality h20

You want to reshape the ground where your bleeding hearts grow and you want to know when you can cut the still green stalks back without hurting the plant?

Dont cut the green stalks back. Lift the whole plant with plenty of rootball and replant using plenty of water afterwards. The leaves will die back naturally and you can then remove them.

If a ginger plant freezes will it come back in the spring?

Yes, the ginger should be able to grow back from the roots. You should cut back the damaged leaves, to keep the plant healthy. Also, if it is expected to get cold, you may want to cover them.