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Yes, the ginger should be able to grow back from the roots. You should cut back the damaged leaves, to keep the plant healthy. Also, if it is expected to get cold, you may want to cover them.

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Q: If a ginger plant freezes will it come back in the spring?
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turn it off and back on

Can chrysanthemums survive winter?

Yes. The leaves of the plant will die back and become brown after a few hard frosts. After the foliage of the plant has died back, you will need to cut it back. Leaving a little bit of the stems will ensure that next year you have a full plant as the new stems will grow from these trimmed stems. After this it is best to provide a heavy layer of mulch over the plant after the ground has frozen. The mulch for winterizing mums can be straw or leaves. Interestingly, the idea is to help prevent the ground from thawing during the winter during warm spells. When the ground freezes and thaws and freezes again, this causes more damage to the plant than if it simply stays frozen for the whole winter season.Yes. You must mulch the plants after the frost so it will not thaw and refreeze.

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When the bloom begging to wilt.

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switch it off, then back on again

Where was ginger originally found?

Ginger was found back in The Middle Ages, Also from Asia and Europe the Continent's.

Can a Wii overheat?

Yeah. The fan broke on mine and the screen freezes every now and then. just unplug it from the back and let it sit for about a minute. Also, if your screen freezes, just unplug it from the back and then plug it back in.