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If you mean shortly after the doe has given birth, she'll take care of the cleaning.

Once she allows the babies out to run around - and it's her decision - then it becomes important for you to handle them daily.

This gives you a double opportunity: you can remove the doe to a separate area and clean the nesting box and the rest of the cage, while taking the time to let the little ones crawl over your hands and begin to get an idea of humans. Don't hold them at this stage.

Watch them all carefully when you put them back together and make sure fresh water is available as well as some kind of treat, so they feel rewarded for being separated and now back together.

Sunflower seeds are good, scattered about for them to discover, but you know your own mice best and will have a good idea of what they reckon is a treat. One of those round ice cream cones is good because they all forget any worries they might've had and play in and over and around it, and chew at it. Otherwise, anything they can all hold in their paws to nibble on, which is comforting for Mum and a learning experience for her family.

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Q: When can you clean a mouse nest?
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Can you clean newborn mouse cage out straight away?

You can clean the cage, but leave the nest undisturbed. Once the babies are one week to 10 days old, you can clean their nest as well. Try to clean the cage during the day when your mice are asleep. Simply leave them where they are, and hopefully they'll sleep right through the whole thing. Preferably, you knew that your mouse was expecting, and you cleaned out the cage in the last few days of her pregnancy. If not and you feel that you must clean the whole cage, remove the babies with some of their bedding, and if they have a house, place it back on top of them. Do the best you can to make sure that mom doesn't feel threatened. Once the cage is clean, put the babies back in with a little bit of the bedding left. Make sure that you place the nest in the same place where it had been before, and that when you're done, you give them peace and quiet.

How can you tell when your mouse is pregnant how can you tell?

She will not run the well she will not go out of her nest