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Your local sheriffs department.

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Q: When can you get your gun permint?
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Related questions

Can you carry a gun without a permint?

depends on where you are- and you did not tell us that.

If you been arristed for something but not charged can you get a gun permint?

You need the services of a lawyer

Is it legal to own a dolphin?

yes if you have a permint yes if you have a permint stupied

How old do you have to be to get your permint?

The minimum age to get a learner's permit varies by location, but it is typically around 15 or 16 years old. Additionally, you may need to complete a driver education course and pass a written knowledge test before being eligible to apply for a permit.

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Do you have to have a permint to work in Ghana?

prissla derry perry

Do you need a permit to work at fourteen?

I need a permint to work at fourteen


Start with spelling "permit" correctly.

How long do you have to hold your permit if your 16 when you get it?

Well, My sister has had her permint for about a year or somthing like that.

Can you carry a black powder gun in Kentucky without a conceled deadly weapons permint in Kentucky?

You vcan carry any type of a firearm in Kentucky as long as it is not concealed. There are no laws against carrying fire arms. Of course you will probably have to sue several police departments, but that is also possible.

British wife have work permint in Dubai can she bring her husband to Dubai?

Yes, but you need to show proof of wedding/marriage.

Do you have to have Insurance to get a permint?

You don't need Insurance to get a permit, or even your license. You will need insurance if you own your over car and wish to put it on the road.'