

When can you pickup a new baby hamster?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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At around two weeks old.

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Q: When can you pickup a new baby hamster?
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When can you pickup your baby hamster?

About 3-4 weeks after birth. If not, wait til the mother is not so protectivve over her cage, and her babies.

What happens if you touch a new bornn baby hamster?

Its not advised to touch a new born baby hamster as the mother can be very protective.

When can you start training your new born baby hamster?

u can start training ur baby hamster wen they r about 7-9 weeks old

When can baby hamster live on their own?

after 16 days baby hamsters can live on their own.the mother of the baby hamsters will be separate from them to have a new baby.

How do you nurse baby hamster when mother hamster has died?

This is what you do. There are two things you can do. One is put some milk into a medicene dropper and put it in their mouths. Or buy another girl hamster(same kind) and take some bedding out of the new mom hamster and rub the baby hamsters in it. Put on of the baby hamsters that was rubbed in the new mom's bedding and put it with the new mom. If the mom doesn't eat it do the same things with rest. Hope this helps!

Will you get infected if a baby hamster bites?

No, probably not. A baby hamster is like a normal hamster, only smaller, and a baby. But my hamster used to bite me a lot and I didn't get infected. so, no you won't.

Why baby hamster eat other baby hamster?

Cuz they're freaks.

Who gets baby hamster if the female hamster is your friends?

the hamster fairy.

If your hamster doest like you then what can you do?

Bring it to a pet shop and give them the hamster then ask if they will let you trade for a new baby hamster and then when you get it you will have to pet the hamster every day that way it dont become wild and try to bite you.

What happen if the mother eat her new born baby hamster?

it willcome out the other end

When new baby hamsters a born do you have to wait until there eyes are open to touch them or now?

yes you can touch the baby hamsters just dont let the mom hamster see you touching them distract the mother by giving it a meaty treat if the mother cacthes you touching her babys then you will not be able to put back baby hamster it will get eaten if you see the mother hamster biting the baby its not biting its just trying to move the baby hamster it cant move the baby by pushing it

What do you do if a baby hamster has died?

you get another hamster and get over it