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I had mice but like i do with every animal before i get it i do some research on them and you arent suposed to put a male and female together in the first place so i would advice you 'not' to put the male back in with the female

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Q: When can you put a male mouse back in its cage after the female had babies?
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Can mice have babies on their own?

As long as there is one male mouse and one female mouse in the same cage there will most likely be babies.

Should a pregnant female mouse be separated from her cage mates?

Yes we had a pregnant mouse who was in a cage with 7 other female mice, so we put her in her own cage. When she has her babies, she will make a nest for them so make sure there is plenty of bedding. If you do not separate them the baby mice might be at risk, although a pregnant mouse can be kept in the same cage. If her babies are in the cage with other mice, she might nip and bite the mice to protect her babies though

If there is two male mouses in a cage and one female mouse gave birth will the males eat or kill the babies?

the males will eat and kill the babies

Can you put a mouse with babies in the same cage with another mouse with babies?

no they will fight, and some babies may die.

Can i put my male hamster back in the cage with the female after she had babies the babies are no longer here?

Yes, but be aware that they will breed again and the female will become pregnant.

Can the male mouse be with the mom when she has her babies?

No, the male mouse will harm the babies if they are not old enough. I left my male mouse in the same cage when my female had babies, what I found was that she would only go near the babies when it was feeding time, other than that my male ( the father ) was the one to protect then when people put their hands in the cage and he would sit on them to keeo them warm it was so cute, also good for the babies as he is the size on a small rat. xXx LostNHopeless

I have a female mouse who is having babies she is in with two other females will these mice hurt the babies when they are born?

the female mice should not hurt the babies but may become jelous so i would put them in separate cages to be on the safe side.. but if she is in a cage with two other females how did it get pregnant??

Can you keep your male mose with the mom mouse with babies at once?

No way. If the baby mice are in the cage long enough with the mother mouse, the mother mouse will indefinitely eat the babies.

What should you do if your pet mouse is eating her babies?

Is the male still in the cage with them? She will go right into heat again if there are no babies...lose the male!

Do the male mice eats the baby mice if they are in one tank together example 1 male 2 female and babies?

I've only had a mama and a papa mouse twice. Both times, the papa mouse stayed with the mama and the babies. Both times the male was a very good father to those babies, snuggling them when mama went off to take a break. In fact, my current papa mouse was very excited about the babies when they first came and would squeak at me when I'd go in the cage. My hunch is that if the male and female mouse have a good relationship, and they live in a pretty stress free environment, having a male mouse in with the babies would not be a problem.

When is it safe to put back a male guinea pig in the cage with female after she has babies?

Nope. She'll get pregnant again and could die. selfish imo

What should you do if your mouse just had babies?

You should not disturb the mouse at all. Leave her with her babies and let them bond and get used to each other. After three days, you can then look and pick up the baby mice, but remove the mother mouse from her cage, or she'll start moving the babies around.