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From nose you have air entering to pharynx. Then larynx. Then trachea. Trachea divides into two parts. These two primary bronchi divides into 10 each secondary bronchi. Then each go on dividing into two branches, at right angle to each other. This happens 17 times. Then alveoli starts and they divide 6 times. When air exits, it goes in 'reverse' direction.

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Q: When carbon dioxide leaves the body and enters the alveoli.The air flows back out through the what?
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What is the gas that enters through the stomata?

Both carbon dioxide and oxygen found in air enters through the stomata. More at Link

What enters through the stomata light carbon dioxide or water?

Carbon dioxide enters through the stomata during photosynthesis, not light or water. Water is typically absorbed by roots and transported through the plant's vascular system.

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The lungs are the organs where oxygen enters the body and carbon dioxide leaves it through the process of respiration. Oxygen is taken in when breathing and carbon dioxide is released when exhaling.

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Oxygen is entered through the mouth and carbon dioxide is released out of the mouth.

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Carbon dioxide enters through leaf pores, known as stomata, and is required for photosynthesis to occur. Carbon dioxide is one of the raw materials needed by plants to produce glucose and oxygen during photosynthesis.

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Carbon dioxide enters the blood at the capillaries in tissues where it diffuses from cells into the bloodstream. It is then transported through the blood to the lungs where it is exhaled during respiration.

What enters through stomata in photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide enters through stomata in photosynthesis. This gas is essential for the plant to produce glucose through the process of photosynthesis.

How does carbon dioxide enter and leave a plant?

in enters through something called stomata

Are small openings on the undersides of leaves through which carbon dioxide enters plant?


What are small openigs on the undersides of leaves through which carbon dioxide enters a plant?

the answer is stomata

Most carbon enters the web of life through what?

Carbon enters the web of life primarily through photosynthesis, where autotrophs like plants and algae convert carbon dioxide into organic compounds. These autotrophs are then consumed by heterotrophs, passing carbon along the food chain. Carbon is also cycled through decomposers as they break down organic matter and release carbon back into the environment.

What is the raw material of photosynthesis that enters the leaf through stomata?

Nothing. Stomata don't have leaves, and stomata is the plural. You mean leaf of a stoma. If, theoretically, you were asking what substances exited the stomata and/or a stoma of a leaf, although of course you mean no such thing, then my answer would be: Typically, oxygen does.