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Bethenie Korn: Starvation, jumping from incredible heights, drown himself in the ocean

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Q: When carlisle first became a vampire how did he try to kill himself?
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When Carlisle first became a vampire in Twilight how did he try to kill himself?

not eating and starving himself

When carlisle first became a vampire how did he NOT try to kill himself?

he tried to starve himself, drown himself, and jump off a cliff. he did not try to commit suicide by making himself bleed to death.

Which book did they tell the story of how carlisle became a vampire?

in the first book, twilight.

What did carlisle do when he became a vampire?

At first when he knew what he was, he went into a dark tunnel and hid himself in alot of potatoes. Then he tried to drown himself, starve to death,and he tried to kill himself by other things I can't remember

Who was the first person that Carlisle Cullen changed in to a vampire?


Who was the first person on twilight to become a vampire?

Carlisle Cullen

When Clarlisle from twilight first became a vampire how did he try and kill himself?

He jumped from great heights and tried to starve himself.

When carlise first became a vampire how did he try to kill himself?

every way he could think of.

When carlisle first became a vampire what did he NOT try to kill himself?

Carlisle did not try to kill himself because he had a strong moral compass and believed in using his immortality to help others. He dedicated himself to self-control and finding a way to live without causing harm to humans.

Who was the first person to be changed by carlisle into a vampire?

Edward Anthony Masen "Cullen"

How did charlisle try to kill himself when he first became a vampire?

He tried jumping off a cliff and starving himself and something else I think.

When carlise first became a vampire how did he not try to kill himself?

He hasn't tried NOT to kill himself. He has tried to kill himself many times but decided to live as a 'vegetarian' vampire feeding on the blood off animals in stead of being a monster.