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Cat's pupils enlarge when there is low light and when they are excited by something. Typically when they see something surprising or that they consider prey, their pupils will enlarge. There is no reason to think that they are seeing ghosts when this happens.

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Q: When cats pupils are big does it mean they can see ghosts?
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Why are my cats pupils round in shape when all others I have seen are like slits?

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u see that big black circle in the middle, well whenever those get small, they are small pupils

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People's pupils dilate when they are interested in something. She might be interested in you or just in what you're talking about.

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No nothing is wrong with your cat, her pupils are wide because when any object with eyes looks at a bright light, their eyes get small. But when it's dark, the pupils get big. So know you know why. :)

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There is more light in the room they shrink but if its dark our your interested they get big.

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Lortab will cause contraction of your pupils. (i.e. smaller pupils)

Are pupils supposed to be big or small?

Well when you are inside or in a low lighted area your pupils get bigger, but when you outside when its bright your pupils get smaller.

When in shock are pupils big or small?


Do your pupils get big when your frightened?

no, dont be stupid

What do they mean when they say big cats?

Big cats are larger felines, members of the pantheragenus and have the ability to roar. There are five big cats:LionsTigersLeopardsJaguarsSnow Leopards

Are there big cats in Jamaica?

There are pet cats and stray cats but no big cats in Jamaica.