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Q: When cells nucleus divides IS CALLED?
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What is the stage of cell cycle in which the cells nucleus divides?

It is called cytokenesis.

What is the stage called when the cells nucleus divides?

It is called Mitosis but the certain stage of it is Telophase.

Where the nucleus of a diploid cell divides in order to form new haploid cells is called?

Nucleus divided to form haploid cells.Process is called meiosis.

What stage of the cell cycle the cells nucleus divides?

Mitosis ;D

Which stage is it of the cell cycle in which the cells nucleus divides?

It is called cytokenesis.

Where does mitosis take place in the human cell?

Most of the activity occurs in the middle of the cell itself.

What type of cell division occurs in diploid eukaryotic cells?

Somatic cells undergo Mitosis. The nucleus and all its contents have to be replicated (copied) and divided into the daughter cells. The process where the nucleus divides is called karyokinesis

What divides in half to form two cells?

The cell nucleus (after replicating its contents).

What is the process of which viable cells replace dead cells of the same type?

Yes, it can. It happens in the process of cell division. First the nucleus divides then each nucleus move to each end of the cell. Eventually the nucleus divides into two so it replaces the dead ones. Yes, it can. It happens in the process of cell division. First the nucleus divides then each nucleus move to each end of the cell. Eventually the nucleus divides into two so it replaces the dead ones.

What is the cells nucleus divides to forms two identical nuclei during the stage of the cell cycle?

The process of cell division which divides the nucleus into two nuclei is called mitosis. Mitosis only happens in eukaryotic cells.

What is a characteristic of mitosis and not of meiosis?

The daughter cells produced are genetcally identical. A mitosis divides cells, which still contains the same number on chromosomes. In mitosis DNA is replicated once, and the nucleus divides once. In meiosis DNA is replicated once, but the nucleus is divided twice.

What separates after the nucleus divides?

the cytoplasm divides after the nucleus