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coal tar

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Q: When coal is heated in the absence of air what is the gas called?
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Related questions

Why must coal be heated in the absence of air to change into coke?

Because the oxygen in the air would cause it to combust rather than turn into coke (+coal gas).

What is metallurgical coke?

when bituminous coal is heated stronly in the absence of air,the volatile matter escapes out and the mass becomes hard,strong,porous and coherent which is called Metallurgical coke.

What is carbonization of coal?

heating of coal in absence of air

What happens when ZnCO3 is heated in the absence of air?

ZnCO3, when heated in the absence of air, decomposes to give ZnO and CO2. I think this is the answer.

What will happen when coal is burned in the absence of air?

It will not burn.

How is coal turned into coke?

by heating the absence of air

What is coal carbonization?

coal carbonisation is the enrichment of coal properties. it is done by heating under absence of air

What happen when sulphur is heated in the absence of air?

Sulfur is melted.

Is their a word for absence of air?

the absence of air is "vacuum"

What happens when sulphur is heated in absence of air?

Sulfur is melted.

What material is heated in an air-tight oven to make coke?


What is green coke CBM?

Green = environmentally friendly (non-polluting). Coke = coal that has been heated in the absence of air (contains more energy than the same volume of coal). CBM = coal-bed methane (naturally occurring gas found in coal beds). It is a greenhouse gas if allowed to escape into the atmosphere, but if captured it can be used as a non-polluting fuel - probably to turn the coal into coke.