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Q: When conduction occurs between two objects do the two objects need to be touching?
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When radiation occurs between two objects do the two objects need to be touching.?

The answer to this question is no. Radiation can occur when objects are not touching

How is energy transferred when objects are in objects?

conduction occurs

Can conduction travel through a vacuum?

Conduction occurs between two contacting objects, so whether or not they're in a vacuum is irrelevant.

The difference between induction and conduction?

conduction is when the electricity is flowing because something is touching it, induction is when elctricity is flowing , but there is nothing touching it In cas of conduction the transfer of electrons between the conductor and charged body takes place whereas in case of induction no such transfer takes place, only the realignment of electrons in the induced body occurs.

What is the result of two objects with disimilar electrical charges touching?

An electrostatic discharge (ESD) occurs, to balance out the dissimilar electrical charges between the objects.

What is the difference between conduction and convection a 5th grade answer please?

Conduction occurs in solids and liquids but not gases. Convection occurs in gases and liquids.

What is meant by conduction heat transfer?

Conduction heat transfer refers to the process of heat transfer between two objects or regions in direct contact with each other. This transfer occurs due to the collision and transfer of energy between the molecules of the objects. It relies on the physical contact and proximity of the objects for heat to be conducted from the hotter object to the cooler one.

How thermal energy travel?

Thermal energy travels by conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction occurs when two or more objects of different temperatures are touching each other. The heat flows from the warmer object to the cooler object, until the objects reach equal temperatures. Convection is the transfer of thermal energy through a moving liquid or gas. Radiation is the transfer of thermal energy though matter and space.

Which type of heat transfer is by direct contract?

The type of heat transfer by direct contact is called conduction. Heat is transferred through a solid material or between two objects in direct contact with each other. This occurs as the particles in the material or objects collide and transfer energy to each other.

What 3 ways does the heat move?

Convection, flowing through a liquid or a gas, Conduction, a transfer that occurs between the contact between two objects of different temperatures, or Radiation, where heat is emitted from the surface of an object.

Does heat being transferred to radiation when things touch?

No heat transfer through objects touching is called conduction. Transfer by radiation occurs when heat moves in the form of electromagnetic waves such as light or infrared rays. The warmth you feel from sunlight is an example of radiation.

How radiation and convection is alike?

Conduction, Convection, and radiation are all ways that heat can be transferred between 2 objects. Conduction is transfer by direct contact like when you cook something on the stove. Convection occurs when heat is transferred by movement like in the Earth's mantle. Radiation occurs when waves are used to transfer heat like sunlight.