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Q: When connective tissue extends as a broad flat layer the tendon is?
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When connective tissue extends as a broad flat layer the tendon is referred to as?

I think that you are referring to an aponeurosis, but your question doesn't really make grammatical sense.

What is the type of tendon formed when the connective tissue elements of a skeletal muscle extend as a broad flat layer?

An aponeurosis results

What is a broad flattened dense connective tissue?


Is the aponeurosis a ropelike piece of muscle that forms indirect connections to muscle of the leg?

An aponeurosis is not rope-like, as a tendon is, but is a broad sheet of connective tissue that connects muscle to other muscle or to bone.

What is the difference between an aponeurosis and a tendon?

They are basically the same thing......connecting muscles to bones but tendons are cord-like and aponeurosis is sheetlike.Describe the difference between a tendon and an aponeurosis

What three things does connective tissue contain?

Connective tissue can contain more than 3 things. However, to have a broad general view, connective tissue proper always consists of 1. cells 2. extracellular fibers and 3. a ground substance that the extracellular fibers are embedded in. The types of cells are several. The extracellular fibers have been classified and subclassified into a great number of categories. The ground substance also varies greatly from one region of the body to another.

Broad flat sheet of a tendon that attaches one skeletal muscle to another?


What are fibrous bands that connect muscle to bones?

A tendon (or sinew) is a tough band of fibrous connective tissue that usually connects muscle to bone. A tendon is capable of withstanding tension. Tendons are similar to ligaments and fascia as they are both made of collagen, except that ligaments join one bone to another bone, and fascia connect muscles to other muscles. Tendons and muscles work together and can only exert a pulling force. At each end of a muscle, the collagen fibers come together to form a bundle of fibers called a tendon that attaches them to bones. If it forms a broad tendinous sheet it is called an aponeurosis.

What is A flat fibrous sheet of connective tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone or to other tissues?

This is called an aponeurosis. These are layers of flat broad tendons. They are found in the abdominal region and the palm of the hand and the plantar surface of the foot. One runs from the frontalis muscle to the occipitalis on the top of the head.

What is the definition of body tissues?

Tissue: A tissue in medicine is not like a piece of tissue paper. It is a broad term that is applied to any group of cells that perform specific functions.

What is a broad flat sheet of tendons?

Flat tendon is the aponeurosis which is derived from the superficial fascia situated at the sole of the foot and on the palm. Thus it is called according to the region (ie palmar aponeurosis and plantar aponeurosis)

What is the broad level of area that is located in north central Tanzania and extends east of the southern shore of Lake Victoria?

Serengeti plain