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Q: When cooking a half cup of converted rice how much liquid should be used?
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It is one-half cup of blueberrys - blueberries, even.If you wanted the amount converted to some other measure, you should have specified so.It is one-half cup of blueberrys - blueberries, even.If you wanted the amount converted to some other measure, you should have specified so.It is one-half cup of blueberrys - blueberries, even.If you wanted the amount converted to some other measure, you should have specified so.It is one-half cup of blueberrys - blueberries, even.If you wanted the amount converted to some other measure, you should have specified so.

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no but yes.It is a half liquid and a half solid.It waves out rocks mixed with lava.So it is said to be a half liquid and a half solid.

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What is moist-heat cooking and how is it used in cooking?

Dry heat cooking is by applying heat directly without using any liquid such as water or wine. However, for Moist heat cooking, it is cooking food use by either hot water or steam. These methods include poaching, simmering, and steaming. It should also be noted that any cooking method using oil (deep frying, sauteing, etc.) is considered dry heat cooking.

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the volume of any liquid that can fill half of an ordinary glass

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About a half cup of oil should be more than enough to brush a light coating over the surface of an 18 pound turkey 3 times throughout the cooking process.

What is 6 half kg converted to a decimal?

3.0 kg