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Q: When copper is purified by electrolysis which electrode do you think that the pure copper collects at?
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How is impure copper purified?

Impure copper is purified by the process called electrolysis.

What are the metal strips called that are placed in the copper compound solution during electrolysis?


What is produced at the positive electrode for the electrolysis of copper sulfate?

Oxygen will because the sulfate ions are stable so they will stay in the solution.

Is copper ore pure enough to conduct electricity?

no, it needs to be purified using electrolysis for it to be pure enough to use as a conductor

How could a sample gas be collected at the positive electrode when using electrolysis for copper?

Place an inverted test tube over the elctrode

Why does the most dilute solution deposit more copper in electrolysis?

An electrolysis process is based upon movement and flow of ions. More is the solution dilute, more is the movement of ions and more is the conductance of solution. Thus, when the solution is dilute more copper ions flow to the electrode and get deposited there

What happens to copper when purified by electrolysis?

it starts to turn a dark purple, and then begins to let of a black smoke. If inhaled, this smoke will kill you within 3 hours of inhaling.

How can copper be separated from solution of copper compounds?

Usually in a school experiment, you put copper solution into glass. Then you add Positively and negatively charged sticks which are connected with each other and plugged into electricity, which makes pure copper form on the negatively charged stick.

What is copper chloride split into by electrolysis?

copper + Chlorine = copper chloride

How is copper normally found in the ground?

In ores. Copper ores are found in various parts of the world. Copper can be found as a metal in the ground. Normally, it is green on the outside. Most copper is not as a metal but in chemical compounds. Chalcopyrite is the most common copper ore. It is a mixture of pyrite and copper sulfide. Copper is found in small amounts in living things. Some mollusks and arthropods have blue blood because they have copper in their blood. Animals such as humans and other mammals have red blood because it contains iron. Copper is purified by electrolysis. Electricity is passed through solutions containing copper compounds, such as copper sulfate - sometimes spelt sulphate. Pure copper forms on the negative electrode.

How you prepare copper sulfate?

By electrolysis

How is copper ionization useful?
