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Put the entire drive:\path\filename in double quotes (").

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Q: When copying files with a batch command how do you indicate spaces?
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How do you answer Y in a batch file automatically?

Each command has its own way of telling it to bypass confirmation. Enter <command> /? for a description of the switches you can use with that command.

What does the file extension mean at the end of a file name?

It is a batch command file.

Why does this batch file closes whenever you type in a command that has a symbol or space in it how do you fix this?

A batch file will close when it reaches the last line of code or an error.

How do you create ipconfig batch file?

Here is an example of a batch file that carries out the command ipconfig. @echo off ipconfig /all pause exit

How do I check if a registry value exist or not from a DOS batch file?

Get the Registry entry using regedit command. use the command from command prompt or copy that in a batch file and execute. Use errorlevel command to verify. hope this helps!! @echo off reg query RootKeyName\Path\To\Key\To\Query /v KeyName echo Does not Exist!!!!

How do you make a batch file without it closing immediately when you start it or use a command?


What does the file extension .bat mean at the end of a file name?

It is a batch command file.

How can you open a separate program with Batch files and then close that program with Batch?

Batch file that opens a program waits 5 seconds then closes that program. For some reason I cannot get this batch to perform the open portion, wait, then the close portion in .... startup batch file hangs up on second command.

What is the full form of BAT?

if by bat you made the .bat file extension then the full form of bat is batch. it is a file that is created with batch script, the windows command line.

Windows XP includes a command-line tool called for batch processing of encryption?


In command prompt what does the if switch do?

There is not switch called "if". We generally use "if" statement in batch programming in DOS.

How do you make a batch file wait?

Use the 'pause' command. The pause command will make a "press any key to continue..." message. If you don't want this to show up, use "pause >nul". This will make the batch file wait without the pause message.