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Normally, a lord could leave his estate any time he wished. In fact, the estates of barons were distributed in many different places, and a baron had to travel quite a lot to get from one part to the next.

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Q: When could the lords leave their estates?
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The lords promised to give their vassals protection and fiefs, or estates.

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They managed their estates, fought in wars and skirmishes, engaged in politics, and raised their families.

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To control his men in battle and to help manage his estates at home. These men needed to be loyal to him, especially in battle.

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Usually, lords lived in manor houses, which were mansions on the manorial estates. In times of upheaval, they lived in castles, if they had them. There were some lords who lived in towns or cities, where they would have occupied some of the better homes.

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The social structure levels of feudalism include:1) The monarch (king or queen). The monarch ruled the kingdom and owned all the land in the country. 2) The lords, barons, or nobles. The lords and nobles were given a manor (land and estates) by the monarch in exchange for their loyalty and military support. They also had to provide food and lodging for the monarch whenever the monarch traveled. 3) The knights or vassals. The knights were granted their titles by the monarch and belonged to certain lords and fought for those lords in battles and wars, plus provided protection for the monarch. 4) The serfs or peasants. The serfs were the people who provided food and service to the superior classes and were given protection and a place to live. They had no rights, could not leave the manor without permission, and could not marry without permission.

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they could not change their estates

What are the origins of the surname Byne?

The Byne surname is first referenced in the 13th Century in Surrey, England, where they held estates and a family seat as Lords of the Manor.

Why did a monarch give large estates to lords?

Feudalism with lords and manors, serfs, and peasants. ...The lord, in return, would provide the king with soldiers or taxes. ...He lived in a large house or castle where people would gather for celebrations or for protection if they were attacked.

What is a landed gentry?

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