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When customers use a computer to access the internet, state one output device needed to produce a paper copy of the booking.

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Q: When customers use a computer to access the internet sate one output device needed to produce a paper copy of the booking?
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What output device needed to produce a paper copy of the booking?

a printer

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IRS tax forms are usually available in public libraries. They are available on the internet. Various tax programs produce them on a computer printer.

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Win7 Internet Security 2011 is one of latest rogue program. Recently thousand of computers are infected by the malicious rogue program. Win7 Internet Security 2011 will pretend to scan your computer thoroughly and give you a list of fake computer threats. To make you believe your PC is at high risk, Win7 Internet Security 2011 will produce various computer errors. The rogue program can do nothing more than slowing down your PC, bringing more computer threats and blocking other programs from functioning.

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That's easy, you produce them for customers.

It is important to get fresh produce from the farm to thr customer as fast as possible?

Yes, it is very important to get fresh produce from the farm to the customer. The faster the produce is sent to customers the fresher the produce is.

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Computers do not produce ozone. Ozone is typically generated by electrical discharge, such as lightning or specialized equipment like ozone generators. Computing devices themselves do not have the capability to generate ozone as a byproduct of their operation.

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What kind of energy does a computer produce?

Computers do not produce energy, they use/consume energy.

Can your computer be hacked if you aren't on the internet!?

Yes. Companies like Microsoft, HP, and Norton leave holes in the computer software they produce allowing hackers to break into them over the Internet. +++ The Internet is about the only way it can be hacked, unless the hacker has personal, physical access to a terminal on the specific system such as a company's internal network. Most hacking is covert, some is overt by fraud. A typical ploy for the latter is to telephone unsuspecting private computer owners and say "I'm from the 'Windows Corporation' and your computer has reported a fault". Fall for it, and you end up giving the hackers remote control of your computer via the Internet.