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attract each other

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Q: When dealing with electrically charged objects it is important to realize that opposite charges will?
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How can you tell if an atom is electrically charged?

atoms r electrically charged cuz it has same no of positive charges ands negative charges. so atom is electrically nuetral.

What does it mean for an atom to be electrically reactive?

You think probable to "electrically charged"; these are ions with positive or negative charges..

State the law of charges?

The law of charges states that like charges repel each other, while opposite charges attract each other. This fundamental principle governs the behavior of electrically charged particles.

How does an atom become electrically charged?

The atom gets negative charges and positive charges from other things.

When is an atom electrically charged?

a electically charged atom is also known as a eletron

When two objects attract each other electrically must both of them be charged?

No. The attraction is stronger when both are charged. But a charged object may induce an electric dipole (i.e., a separation of charges) in a nearby neutral conductor, resulting in an attraction.

What is the difference between electrically charged and a neutral object?

Electrically polarized objects have had their charges separated, so one side will be positive, and the other side will be negative.

The nature of force between charged particles is such that?

Like charges repel, opposite charges attract.

Opposite charges repel one another?

Charges repel each other when they have the same charge to them. For example, two electrons repel. Two protons repel. Two negatively charged particles will repel each other. As will two positively charged particles will.

What will effect will a charged object have on an object with the opposite charge?

It will attract it and/or be attracted to it. Opposite charges attract.

If a electrically uncharged body is contacted by an electrically charged body the uncharged body will?

If an electrically uncharged body is contacted by an electrically charge body then the uncharged body will gain a charge. This is because electricity flows from a higher concentration to a lower concentration and will balance out.

Which atom has opposite charges?

All atoms contain a positively charged nucleus and negatively charged electrons.