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Q: When dental caries first appear on enamel what is that appearance?
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What is considered a caries in the dental field?

caries in the dental field is part of tooth decay that consists of the decalcification of the enamel of the tooth. In other words this is considered tooth decay.

Could you Define dental Caries and Bacterial Plaque?

Dental caries is a disease. It is better known as a cavity or tooth decay. Plaque are microorganisms that can lead to dental caries if not treated properly

What is backward caries?

Whenever the spread of caries along the dej exceeds cone in enamel, the caries extends into the enamel from the junction

Dental caries can be defined as?

Dental caries can be defined as bacterial infection which damages the tooth enamel and makes holes in the teeth. It is normally called as tooth decay. Cavities are the main cause that results in tooth decay if not taken care on time. Proper attention, cleaning and good eating habits should be considered by people.

What is translusent zone in enamel caries?

Translucent zone in enamel caries repersents demineralization.

How does the dental decay occurs?

Dental decay or cavity or caries occurs when the bacteria found in the mouth releases acid. This acid breaks down the crystals of the enamel...the outermost and hardest part of the tooth.

What are Caries zones in enamel and dentin?

enamel caries: surface zone, body of lesion, dark zone, translucent zone dentinal caries: desrtuction, penetration, demineralisation, sclerotic dentine enamel caries: surface zone, body of lesion, dark zone, translucent zone dentinal caries: desrtuction, penetration, demineralisation, sclerotic dentine

What is the scientific name of dental cavities?

The scientific name for dental cavities is dental caries. It is a common dental condition caused by bacteria in the mouth producing acids that can erode tooth enamel. if left untreated, it can lead to pain, infection, and tooth loss.

What are the organisms that are mainly involed to cause senile dental caries?

Senior dental caries you mean? Well, usually it's just a combination of years of improper dental care. Eating sticky candy (sticky substances 'stick' to your teeth, eating away at the enamel) or not brushing and flossing right after you eat can contribute also. Usually the incidents of dental caries goes DOWN in older people, while the incident of gingivitis and periodontal disease and bone loss goes UP. Double that for smokers.

What are the names of 2 things which cause tooth decay?

In the Dental community we call it "dental caries" or a "carious lesion." Caries refers the disease in which hard tooth structure becomes damaged or decayed as result of bacterial processes, primarily due to Streptococcus mutans. Fermentable carbohydrates such as sucrose fuel these bacteria which produce acids. If not removed from the tooth surface the acids will begin to demineralize the hydroxyapatite crystal structure of the enamel and dentin. I suppose you could also call it a "cavity."

Can dental gel repair enamel?

Dental gel will not repair enamel. The enamel is there to protect your teeth, but once you lose it, you cannot get it back.

Is smooth surface caries begins on the outer surface of enamel and dentin?

Smooth surface caries is on a surface that does not have pits, fissures. Usually on the front, back, or side of the tooth as opposed to the top where there are hills and valleys so to say. If the caries is on the crown part of the tooth it started on the enamel, but may have progressed down to the dentin which is the next surface under the enamel.