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The practice of Daylight Saving Time in Arizona got started in 1918 and lasted until 1919. A few decades later when almost all of the US and Canada were observing "War Time" during World War II, from February 1942 to September 1945 (called "Peace Time" from August 14 to September 30, 1945), Arizona started it at the same time as the rest of the country, but they ended up switching back to standard time for three months in early 1944, then in October 1944 they switched to standard time and stayed there. The only time changes in Arizona since then were for daylight saving time in 1967. The Uniform Time Act of 1966, which transferred control of when and where DST would begin and end from the state governments to the federal government, had just taken effect. Although it requires states that observe DST to do so during the specified period (which changed twice since 1966), states still have the choice of opting out of the practice. However, Arizona failed to pass the required legislation in time that first year.

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The last time daylight saving time was observed throughout Arizona was 1967, after the Uniform Time Act of 1966 took effect and before Arizona exercised its right to opt out.

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Does Arizona change to Daylight Saving Time Sat night?

No. Arizona does not use daylight savings time.

What is Arizona proud of?

Its lack of daylight savings time, maybe?

Does every one do daylight savings time?

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When is Daylight Saving Time in Arizona?

The State of Arizona does not observe Daylight Savings, however the Navajo Nation does. When the rest of the Mountain Time Zone adjusts for Daylight Savings, Arizona stays on Mountain Standard Time.

Is daylight saving time done worldwide?

Arizona doesn't do savings time.

Is daylight savings time in all of the US?

No. Arizona and Hawaii, do not use it.

Is Arizona the only state in the US that does not recognize daylight saving?

No Hawaii does not use Daylight Savings Time.

Will daylight savings time stop?

It may stop if this petition passes.

What state has daylight savings time?

As of 2006, with the addition of Indiana, there are now 48 U.S. states that observe daylight saving time (all but Hawaii and Arizona, although the Navaho Nation, part of which is in Arizona, does do daylight saving time).

Is Arizona pacific time or mountain standard time?

The majority of Arizona does not observe Daylight Savings Time and so they would remain on Mountain Standard Time year around. However, there are some areas of Northeastern Arizona that do change to Daylight Savings Time and that would make them one hour ahead of the rest of Arizona for that summer season until they change back in the fall and they are then together with the rest of the state again, back on Mountain Standard Time.

Are there parts of states that don't follow daylight savings time?

Yes, there are parts of states in the United States that do not follow daylight savings time. For example, Arizona and Hawaii do not observe daylight savings time, while some areas of Indiana also do not follow it.

Why don't Arizona and Hawaii participate in Daylight Saving Time?

ArizonaWhen Congress passed the Uniform Time Act in 1966, Arizona tried observing daylight savings for a year and decided to not observe it after much negative reaction. They have never observed daylight savings since. During daylight saving time (spring through fall), Arizona is on Pacific time. All other months of the year they observe Mountain time. The only exception in Arizona is the Navajo Nation, in northeastern Arizona, which does observe Daylight Saving Time.HawaiiHawaii is closer to the equator and experiences much less variance in daylight than the rest of the country and therefore opts out of observing Daylight Saving Time.