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On September 9, 1862, Robert E. Lee decided to divide his army into three detachments. This was primarily due to the fact that he learned that Harper's Ferry had a large Union garrison. Unless Harper's Ferry was captured, the Union troops there would be able to cut his supply lines.

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Q: When did Confederate General Lee divide his army in Maryland into three detachments?
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Did general burgoyne divide his troops into three parts?


Which of these was one of the Britishs general who tried to divide the colonies to strengthen the British?

Lord Howe tried to divide the Colonies but, failed because Gen John Burgoyne who was bringing needed support troops, was defeated at the Battle of Saratoga and couldn'tjoin him.

Did the United nations adopt a plan that would divide Palestine into Jewish and Arab states?

Yes. In 1947, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 181.

Why did Confederate President Jefferson Davis divide the South into four military districts?

Hindsight allows US Civil War historians to correctly fault Jefferson Davis from not, early, on appoint a general in chief for the Confederate military. He believed his own military experience and his tenure as once being the US secretary of war, basically placed himself as the South's general in chief. This of course with the help of his own Secretary of War, James A. Seddon.Davis did take a course that was at least reasonable as his second option to a true general in chief. He divided the South into four districts or regional commands. Robert E. Lee for Virginia and North Carolina; PT Beauregard for South Carolina, Georgia and Florida; Joseph E. Johnston for Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi; and, Kirby Smith for Trans-Mississippi. As an aside, the loss of General Albert S. Johnston at the Battle of Shiloh was devastating. This command structure placed senior and experienced generals along with substantial armies to operate on matters close to their own spheres of influence. If the situation required borrowing troops from another region, this was enhanced by the still intact interior lines that the railroads provided for.

Why did general howe want to capture Philadelphia?

'cuz he felt lyk it. dont u have anything else 2 do but ask random Q?

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What did Confederate General Lee do to protect his supplies when the Union learned of his plans to divide his army in Maryland?

When Confederate General Robert E. Lee learned that the Union had recovered his orders to divide his army into three parts, Lee knew his raid into Maryland was in trouble. He took several defensive measures with troop movements, however, he understood that the results of his measures were uncertain to say the least. With that said, Lee believed it was necessary to protect his supplies that were in his army's slow moving wagon trains. He therefore sent his reserve supplies and reserve artillery back to Virginia via the road that ran from Hagerstown Maryland to Williamsport Virginia.The loss of reserve artillery would impact his upcoming battle at Sharpsburg, but he had no choice but to to be cautious.

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By liberating the Mississippi, and isolating all Confederate units to the West of the river.

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Did general burgoyne divide his troops into three parts?


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What were the problems that confronted Confederate General Robert E Lee for his goal of capturing Harpers Ferry?

In order for General Lee's invasion of Maryland to be a success, his forces would have to surround Harper's Ferry to force its surrender. Lee would need to place a large infantry force to accomplish this. The geography of this mission was a handicap to Lee. Because of the terrain consisting of high mountains, deep rivers and bad roads there was no single route for a united Confederate force to reach its objective. The only course of action was to divide his troops into three divisions. Once these were separated, Generals Jackson, McLaws and Walker would be unable to communicate with each other until all three units could meet at Harper's Ferry. The assault plan was to converge on Harper's Ferry and capture it by September 12th 1862.

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