

When did Dutch East Indies campaign happen?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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Dutch East Indies campaign happened in 1942.

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When was Dutch East Indies created?

Dutch East Indies was created in 1800.

When did Dutch East Indies end?

Dutch East Indies ended in 1942.

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Which country was formerly known as Dutch East Indies?

Indonesia was formerly known as Dutch East Indies. It was a Dutch colony from the early 17th century until Indonesia's independence in 1945.

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The first European power to colonize Indonesia were the Dutch rulers who came from netherlands. The Indonesian islands were then knoen as the Dutch East Indies. At first, the Dutch East Indies were controled by the Dutch East Indoa Company. But after the breakdown of the company, the Netherlands' government took the direct control of the Dutch East Indies. The Dutch rule over the Indonesia ended during the World War II when the Japanese took the control of the East Indies. At this time, they actually became known as Indonesia. The British were also looking at for colonizing the East Indies.

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Dutch East Indies.

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Dutch East Indies

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