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In 1905, he published a paper on theory of relativity which can be considered as his first invention.

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Q: When did Einstein made his first invention?
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Where was Albert Einstein when he invented his first invention?

Albert Einstein was in his lab when he invented his first invention. Apparently, his first invention was not quite a success, so that is why his hairstyle is like this now.

How old was Albert Einstein when he made his 1 invention?

Albert Einstein was not an inventor and holds no patents.

What is the first invention of Einstein?

The first invention of Albert Einstein was the doctorate formula that accurately described the Brownian motion. The Brownian motion is used in Physics to explain the movement of particles in a given fluid.

What technology has Germany made?

One important invention that was made in Germany is the theory of relativity made by Albert Einstein.

What was Albert Einstein's first invention in America?

he had no inventions in america it was all in australia

How id Albert Einstein's invention of the light bulb help the human race?

Einstein had nothing to do with the invention of the light bulb. Thomas Edison is credited with developing the first successful light bulb.

What invention did albert einstein become famous for?

E=mc², Einstein's Theory of Relativity and then in 1905 Einstein came up with the concept that light is made up of particles called photons.

What are albert Einstein's invention?

Although Einstein is most famous for his work in physics, he did invent and patent a refrigerator. It was his only patented invention.

How did life improve because of Einstein's work?

The only thing that Einstein did that would have directly affected everyday people's lives was his electromagnetic refrigerator invention with no moving parts (thus needing no seals that might leak the toxic and/or flammable refrigerants of the time). However the invention of nontoxic and nonflammable Freons by Dupont made Einstein's invention irrelevant. Everything else that Einstein did only had effects on the science of Physics at its extreme edges.

Where did Albert Einstein invent the refrigerator?

Einstein did not fully invent the fridge he just made plans for innovating an invention similar to the fridge at his laboratory in Princeton New Jersey

Did Einstein invent the hydrocarbon-refrigerant?

Hydrocarbon refrigerants were first envisioned by Albert Einstein and he tried to patent three different types all involving hydrocarbons. The Einstein refrigerator was an Albert Einstein invention that was patented in 1930. It was co-invented with Leo Szilard who was one of his physics students at Zurich University. The invention was licensed to various companies.

Where did Einstein make his invention?

When he was a technical assistant, in his spare time, he made many of the great things we know today.